The IndEx software, coupled with the use of intrinsically safe hand-held devices pre-loaded with details of the items to be inspected, clearly offers a faster, more accurate and cost-effective approach than the paper based method previously in use.
Controls within IndEx safeguard data integrity and provide a full audit trail. Process improvement efficiencies gained from using IndEx have enabled us to streamline our Ex inspection regime, resulting in an 85 per cent reduction in inspection and repair hours.

TransForm is revolutionising our asset management contracts by improving the recording of valve data, access to records, identifying trends in valve performance and how we provide information to our customers.

Having abandoned our paper record system for electronic records I estimate a reduction in Contractor Manhours of around 40% to complete the tasks involved. Inspectors liked to use the hand held devices. They are easy to use and eliminated the tedium of paperwork from their task.
Each inspector is completing around 15 to 20 visual inspections per day, depending on the type of asset, whereas previously the inspectors were completing between 7 to 12 inspections per day.

Following a project to install an industrial scale wireless LAN, giving coverage throughout operational areas, [Transform] was procured for scaffold estimation and inspection. Transform has proved very successful, delivering greater control over contracts and offering high levels of assurance for HSE critical tasks. An example of this is that; as a site we used to employ 3 full time scaffold inspectors. That number is now 1 and it is fair to say that at the same time, levels of assurance for scaffold inspection have increased.
Utilisation of the system is now growing with established applications for waste management and turnaround quality assurance. ATEX and Preventative Maintenance are two areas which are being seriously considered for future utilisation, in order to leverage both our wireless infrastructure and the Transform application, to capitalise on the savings seen in other areas.

FisCal Monitor provides the tools necessary for Fiscal and Allocation Meter performance monitoring, delivering real efficiency gains with increased control of Meter system accuracy.

I have always found Terrington to be very helpful, they have always tried to adapt the product to suit the customer and involve the customer before changing the product. I have always found Terrington very helpful in providing solutions to my problems, either on the telephone or by e-mail - whether it be a commercial or technical problem I always receive a cheerful welcome and a prompt reply.

I am pleased to say that the service we have received from Terrington has been excellent, and as you are aware has been far in excess of that which we typically receive for some (industry standard) software products. Accordingly I would have no hesitation in recommending Terrington to any company who is considering adopting the software.

Terrington is a secure, proactive company that gives dynamic assistance when required. I consider the products supplied [by Terrington] to BP for the Juno project (ECA II), Clare and other locations as superior to others on the market.

FisCal is part of our "standard recommendations" to third party projects bringing in additional gas to our systems and is recommended through the central measurement team to all other BP installations.

We had a paper process for a business critical procedure, namely the control of radio-chemicals. We looked at off-the-shelf solutions, but using them would have meant bending our processes to fit. Our processes were tried and tested so we wanted something that worked the way we worked. Terrington offered a bespoke solution, tailor-made for our business. Based on their Labnotes forms, it was ideal to replace a paper system. The Terrington team of developers delivered everything we asked for in-budget and on-time. Implementation was relatively painless and feedback from the users was good. The package was easy to use: secure and it calculated our on-site and in-waste levels of radioactivity in real time so we always knew where we stood with our Licences.